Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Small Town Saskatchewan

What a change from Inuvik!!
The weather since Thursday has been fabulous. Even Yellowknife was "hot" when we flew through! Unfortunately my Inuvik - Edmonton flight was rough and I ended up getting sick as we were landing in YK. It was my first time actually getting sick on a plane - how embarassing!! The flight was absolutely packed so I was squashed between two people and we were landing so I couldn't get up to go be sick in private - yuck! Thankfully my Edmonton - Medicine Hat flight was better and I had gravol & ativan on board. Of course now I'm paranoid about all the

Mum and I spent Monday out at the regional park cleaning up after May Long campers and today was spent getting groceries, going to the greenhouse and planting things in the garden. We weren't out there for very long (2hrs at most?) and I managed to get a little sunburnt on my shoulders - damn! The weather has been in the mid to high 20s (25C = 77F) a pretty big jump from 0 - +5C! All the leaves are starting to really come out and there are flowers blooming.
I think we're planning on going back out to the park tomorrow to do the garbages and then I don't know what the plan for the rest of the day is.

Main Street

Tulip in Mum's garden

I've got a small amount of knitting done (BSJ #5!) but nothing too exciting progress wise. I'll probably have more time to do some knitting since it's supposed to rain for most of the rest of the time I'm here (boo!!).

Temperature: -1C (feels like -5C)
Sunrise: 3:54am
Sunset: 1:54am
(coming up to the home stretch!!)

Temperature: +18C
Sunrise: 5:16am
Sunset: 8:58pm

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