To enter my give-away all you have to do is leave a comment. In your comment please let me know if you're a long-time/regular reader, occasional reader or if you've just popped by for the contest (it doesn't matter if you just commented for the contest, I'm curious ;-)). Also please leave me your email address so I can get ahold of you (see bottom of post).
There are no restrictions on where you live but I can't guarantee shipping times.
I've put together 3 prizes:
Inukshuk bag with zipped top (100% cotton), Inukshuk mug, Northern Delights Tea, A book on the Western Arctic, a 50th anniversary Inuvik license plate and yarn (the green yarn is 100% Saskatchwan Merino and the other is dyed by me).
Inukshuk mug, Northern Delights Tea, 50th anniversary Inuvik license plate, and yarn (the teal and blue is 100% Saskatchwan Merino and the other is dyed by me).
Inuvik license plate, and yarn (the pinky/maroon, green, and blue is 100% Saskatchewan Merino and the other is dyed by me).
The contest closes Friday April 17th at midnight and the winners will be emailed --- please leave me your email address in the comments! If you don't leave your email address you need to check back on the blog after midnight on Friday. The winners will be notified and I'll need to hear back from them by Sunday so things can go in the mail on Monday before I head to Victoria.
If I can't get ahold of you I reserve the right to give the prize to someone else or cancel that particular prize altogether.
Good Luck!
Temperature: -2C
Sunrise: 7:03am
Sunset: 10:47pm
Those are seriously nice gifts, megera.
I read your blog only occasionally. I don't read anyones blogs very much, since I'm always yakking it up on the board!
Count me in! Australia is going to be a huge change from the Arctic. I don't know how you do it...Boston was about as cold as this southern California girl ever wants to get!
I love your photography...I'm very intermittent about blog-stalking on anyone's blog, but I've looked at your craft fair products!
Congratulations on your milestones! I'm in constant awe of your ability to live so far north, in fact that's why I stop in occasionally to see the temperature, I LOVE that you post the temp!
In the unlikely event that I were to actually win something, I'm kashmir.knitter AT gmail DOT com.
P.S. I love the license plates! When I don't win do you think you could pick one up to swap with me? I'll send you something from warm sunny California!
i've poked through your blog often, enjoying your photography and craft work greatly. you have a great voice in your blog! also, your posts on the KB are fun to read (i'm annabanana).
congrats on 6 years in the arctic, and keep up the wonderful blogging!
Anna :)
Wow, 6 years? Sometimes I swear I should live up in Canada or somewhere that it actually snows. I love making sweaters, but it just doesn't get that cold around here.
I just popped in for the contest, half just out of curiosity, and only thinking about entering. What the hey.
I am Arsinoe Selene on knittyboard, and my e-mail is flowerpower89 AT comcast DOT com.
Hi Megera! I read your blog fairly often-- one of my favourite parts is the sunrise/set and temperature part. Will you keep doing that when you move? It will still be fascinating, only I'll be thinking, "niiiiice, 28 degrees...." instead of "whoa... -32...."
Crystal aka driver8
I'm in. I have you in my reader, so I suppose that makes me a regular. :)
Megan in Yellowknife
I'm a regular reader - but I am sooooooooooo bad about comments. Congrats on 100 posts and 6 years! WOOOOOOOOT!
fuzzysheepcrafts, gmail
Congrats on 6 years and 100 posts. My SIL followed my brother to Whitehorse. Supposed to be for 3 years, turned into 10.
I read your blog occassionally. Love your photos. I'm hosta on Knittyboard. email is hosta9599 at gmail dot com
I leave a comment for a chance at such nice gifts!
Commenting for the contest... Don't know why I've never clicked the link for your blog before! (Oh, I'm fozziebear54 on the knittyboard.)
My email is
woooow! Sweet gifts.
my email is ryearsley AT smu DOT edu
So sweet of you, megera!
Ooh, arctic prezzies! How exciting. I can't wait to hear about your Australian adventures too.
I came here from your KB post :)
Rachel (testarossa)
Comment :) This is my first time but I will be back! Just in case merlinthecat at gmail dot come
I've read your blog a few times over, not as often as I'd like. Your pictures are a pleasure. You do such a variety of crafting, and the images you share are works of art in themselves. Thanks for the first 100 posts, megera. Here's to the next 100!
BTW, fiberfolliesATgmailDOTcom
Just in case. I don't expect to win anything but it's fun to take part.
It's been far too long, but I know I've come by to peruse some of your awesome photography. You have views I've never seen and I love to "see" other places in the world!
Also, green yarn? ~melts~ Ok green anything =p
I can't wait to see your pix from Oz, if these are anything to go by. Another virtual trip for me!
Oh, it's Dot, or tiadot gmail
Congratulations on the milestones! I'm an occasional reader.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I've been reading your blog since I was your upstream SP. :) I bookmarked it because I like seeing what you are up to and to look at your pictures.
Congratulations on 6 years in the Arctic and 100 posts!
Wow...I can't believe you lived there for six year. I think I'd have lasted 1 week!! You're dyeing is beautiful!
megnjeanne at hotmail dot com
Hi, just stopping by! i've bookmarked your bloggy. first time commenter. congrats on 6 years! :)
tina (dot) mau at gmail (dot) com
I only occasionally read blogs, yours included, but I had to stop by. ;)
Those are some very cool gifts.
I'm an occasional reader. I've read about your work and your craft fairs, primarily. And those gifts are very, very generous. I have to say, as beautiful as the yarn is - if I had one of those license plates, I'd hang it in my den, the walls of which are covered in National Park posters -mostly US, but also Banff NP.
Jennifer aka knitorious drivel
knitstrong at gmail dot com
Oh - and last year my DH and I vacationed in Alaska. I sooo wanted to go above the Arctic Circle, but just couldn't justify the cost to spend one hour at a "native village". Maybe "next" time.
Came here today from the knittyboard, but I did read your blog for the first time a few weeks ago.
For living so far up north I was amazed at how many crafts you have access to/involvement in! Almost makes me jealous, until I see the temp at the bottom of your posts :)
Congrats on the milestones, and gl with your upcoming move!
I read occasionally--I love to look at the photos and the temperatures and compare! It's a clever idea to those of us who live in more, well, temperate climates! Admittedly, I'm a cold weather person, but I think that's a bit much for even me!
My email is sammy AT unten DOT org.
My daughters (8 & 10) and I read your blog from time to time. Since we watched the ice road truckers they are fascinated by living up in Inuvik - so different from us - they have so many questions - like do you get to eat bananas? Anyway keep on blogging.
Long time reader! I even introduced you to my sister :)
I know Victoria is a necessarily evil trip - but enjoy it :) I love Victoria in the spring.
Congratulations on 6 yrs in Arctic. Those are some great gifts you are offering. I occasionally read your blog, and have enjoyed your photos for some time now. You are a great photographer.
Debbie (babytaz on knittyboards)
6 years in the Arctic! That is a milestone. Where did you live before?
I drop by very occasionally but see you all the time on Knitty board.
I only came across your blog, via the contest. Prizes are lovely. I'll add you to my list of 'must reads'.
Thanks for the chance and enjoy the Arctic Circle
Congrats on your 100th post! And on your probably last year in Inuvik, as you head to warmer climes.
Long-time reader. Frequent commenter. Constant fan.
Lovely, I have popped in from time to time from Knitty, but mostly I came because of your contest, but I have now bookmarked you. It looks beautiful where you are.
I read your blog every day...or rather I check it every day as you're a busy person these days! I wandered over from the Knittyboard and haven't turned back since!
Congratulations to you, on 6 years in the Arctic, on 100 blog posts and for the upcoming move! What a difference Australia will be, what with it's sunrises and sunsets and beach weather!
I'm MarcieA on Knitty!
I've been following your blog since last spring some time - or since I started looking for blogs from/about Inuvik. I used to live there myself (between 1983 and 1992) and still get homesick for the place regularily - especially this time of year...
trudie underscore p at hotmail dot com
I have been checking in on your blog daily for over a year!
Living in the arctic, playing hockey and crafting? you rock!
Megan, those are fabulous gifts! I have always loved your blog, because you live where it's is cold and snowy and icy most of the time--and this makes me extremely jealous. Your writing style is also the reason I come back again and again. AND, you make cool yarn projects, too. I am so glad to have found you.
Leslie Ann (aka gritsintn)
You're very generous, Meg! Congrats on 100 posts...I drop in from time to time; you know me as bluecanary on the knittyboard.
bluecanary_23 at yaHOOOOO!!!!
Hey Megan --
Ok so I am just lame.
Sometimes it helps to have friends lamer than you
Happy 6/100A nniversary
XXO laBou
Oh, fun!
I read your blog sometimes, I guess "occasionally". I'm a fan of your photography, and your northern lights photo is in my office.
Your yarns are really pretty!
I pop in here occasionally but mostly just enjoy your KB posts! If you have any spare time when you're in Victoria, I'd love to meet you in person.
I'm, etc.
I've enjoyed your posts on the knittyboard, but didn't ever click over to the blog. I'm usually too busy to keep up with even my own life, not to mention other people's! I'll have to let Husband know you're here. He moved to MI from SoCal for me to go to vet school, and he is suffering from the temps here (I <3 them!!!)
Clicked over to see what you were giving away, decided that they were worth leaving a comment for. :)
customquilts at gmail
Awww, fun - and pretty yarn! I've not been a good blog-visitor to anyone, at all, for the past six months... but I *want* to visit more...
Cool! Found this at
If it's got yarn - I'm in :) I also purchased some easter egg dyes as well to try to duplicate your beauties!
I thought my sister turned me on to your Blog when she hooked us up in Whse - as it turned out, I had already been checking you out! It's probably been a year now, or close to it.
I am looking forward to your posts from Down Under - good thing you only have to change one word in your blog name :)
See you in a while :)
Megera...I have popped in occasionally to see your photos. I am a bit of a Canada-ophile, thanks to a good pal who works for the CBC. You are the only person I have ever known from your part of Canada...Lovely things you are giving away, and such lovely parts of yourself you give in your work as we read on the Knittyboard. Hope you make some pita!
Hi! I've been reading for the past 6 months or so. I forget how I found your blog- ravelry perhaps? However it was, I was drawn in immediately.
I hope all goes well with your immigration stuff. My spouse and I are from the East and West Coast of the US, and the bilateral coast thing is hard enough. So I'm impressed you make it work being from 2 countries!
I'm craftyabby on ravelry, so pm me if I win your lovely yarn. I assume the merino is extra lovely because it's grown in a colder climate?
That's so sweet of you to have prizes for your readers! I come to your blog from the knitty board occasionally. How exciting to be moving to Australia, it's at the top of my list for a long vacation/adventure.
Congrats on making it 6 years and on having 100 blog posts!!
Thank you for offering gifts to us!! I stop by from knitty occas. to see what you've got going on. I hope you have a good move and love your new place!!
How nice of you to celebrate your anniversary by giving gifts! I've been away from the Knittyboard and the blogs for awhile, but it was nice to see your post when I got back there!
Been reading your blog since you were my upstream SP in Knitty SP4! Did I ever show you the cowl I made with the lovely blue yarn you sent? I know I blogged about the tea cozy I made with the beige yarn... Anyway, congrats on 100 posts! I meant to run a contest for my 5th anniversary last month and I completely forgot...
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