Sunday, October 19, 2008

Something Unexpected...

Ok, I know everyone (or just Teri!!) is expecting me to post craft fair progress photos and I totally plan to do that but it might be a few days. I like to take pictures during the day because I hate (hate, hate) using my flash. Tomorrow and the next few days are going to be a bit busy and stressful so I don't know if I'll have time.

The place I work for came up for tender and someone -not my current employer- was awarded the contract so I'm technically out of a job in a month or so. We all just found out on Friday so things have been a little crazy. We're not really sure what's going to happen and if our employer will be able to accommodate us at the other home or what.. We're (all the full timers - 6 of us) hopefully going to have a conference call with them tomorrow to see what's up. I have no idea about how any of this works and if we're entitled to anything.

Anyone want to drive up and help me pack?

Temperature: -14C
Sunrise: 10:20am
Sunset: 6:54pm


Anonymous said...

Yikes, that's scary! I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for you all.

Jo said...

Ouch - where would you move to?

Megan said...


We'll we're planning to move to Australia in August/September... But if we have to leave before June then we'll go and bum off my mum for a few months.

Anonymous said...

You could always come to Whitehorse!!

Hope all turns out okay....

Megan said...

I would LOVE to move to Whitehorse if I could find a good job!